An Info-graphic on Cycle Safety

[fusion_dropcap class="fusion-content-tb-dropcap"]C[/fusion_dropcap]ycling to and from work can be just as dangerous as driving. Although you are on bicycle, you are still sharing the roads with pedestrians, motorists and other cyclists so just like everyone else, we all have to abide by the same rules; the Highway Code! 

Here’s an info-graphic on some cycling facts and generally helpful […]

Cycling to and from work can be just as dangerous as driving. Although you are on bicycle, you are still sharing the roads with pedestrians, motorists and other cyclists so just like everyone else, we all have to abide by the same rules; the Highway Code! 

Here’s an info-graphic on some cycling facts and generally helpful tips to keep you safer on the roads. Happy pedalling!

Cycle Safety -OH final